1. There is a very real biological basis for this behavior.
2. It could enhance our preparation for this kind of biological threat.
3. In that sense, they are the cyber equivalent of biological contagions.
4. We are not searching for chemical or biological weapons.
5. Some predict the printers will use biological tissue to create entire replacement organs.
6. Its other research areas include biological science, transportation and renewable energy.
7. Everyone reacts to stress or trauma in different ways and a lot of biological events go on.
8. He also cites biological reasons for the disparity.
9. Things like proteins and DNA and enzymes are the biological equivalent of skyscrapers.
10. Better understanding the underlying biological pathways of addiction is key to find new treatments.
11. Ramirez said one possible biological grandmother had contacted the office.
12. These genomes contain genes known to enable certain biological forms and functions.