1. The thing that makes it drama is in the telling of the story.
2. The political drama is less interested in tension than it is in food.
3. If the recognition comes soon enough, the drama can still have a happy ending.
4. The development is the latest act in the drama surrounding.
5. Even in crisis, he says he aims to be a low drama leader.
6. As the drama played out in Parliament, protesters rallied outside for a fifth night in a row.
7. The balance between drama and comedy in this film is so crucial to making it work.
8. The base went into lockdown as the drama started to unfold.
9. It is a very large pain that I carry with me, because these people do not deserve a drama like this.
10. The drama took hours to play out.
11. The unprecedented action injected unusual drama into the historic Senate chamber.
12. That tension makes for some good drama, and possibly, better decisions for shareholders.
13. We are thus about to witness a vast societal drama play out.
14. Egyptian officials gave conflicting accounts as the drama unfolded.
15. There was no gun, of course, and the drama quickly subsided.