1. This will help you establish contacts and become more familiar with IT security in general.
2. The report did not establish the exact number of cars that use the vulnerable systems.
3. You have to establish your worth and set your rate.
4. The two fighters were able to establish communication with the aircraft.
5. This means it is difficult to establish its value.
6. The workers wanted the union to establish a safety committee for the center, he said.
7. They wanted to start farms and establish a village with a grand church at its center.
8. What exactly would it mean to establish a new normal?
9. After setting up a website or a blog, the next step is to establish a social media presence.
10. It was written to establish peace between King John of England and a group of rebel barons.
11. Prosecutors say they want to establish a pattern of voluntary intoxication.
12. Some are turning elsewhere to establish a base for production.
13. It has usually followed a Nigerian agenda, and says it wants to establish an Islamic state.