1. He is already under investigation on suspicion of tax evasion in Spain, where he plays.
2. He had a particular way of smiling that was half evasion and half challenge.
3. Several months later he was convicted of draft evasion, a verdict he appealed.
4. The IRS said it works closely with the Department of Justice DOJ to prosecute tax evasion cases.
5. It also has some very advanced evasion techniques that make it suitable for spending long periods carrying out undercover surveillance.
6. Khodorkovsky in custody for a decade was jailed for tax evasion and theft after funding opposition parties.
7. A New York congressman who pleaded guilty to tax evasion is expected to resign before Congress returns to Washington next week.
8. The new list of suspects includes people being pursued for alleged VAT fraud, tax evasion, and money laundering.