
[Example Sentences]:
1. Closing that gender gap could add an additional $170 billion to the mobile industry by 2020.
2. Some companies have been working to break through the gender divide.
3. Police said they could not confirm the ages or gender of the people killed.
4. In her words, not much has changed in that time when it comes to gender imbalance.
5. There is no question gender diversity in the workplace is an important issue.
6. The issue is the companies are suffering from gender blindness.
7. He was told to listen, to take part in the conversation over gender inequality.
8. There have been studies on gender differences in health information seeking behavior.
9. The lack of gender diversity in the workforce is a problem of enormous proportions.
10. The gender gap here is far wider than in San Francisco, the state and the nation.
11. So she decided to move forward with her gender discrimination complaint.
12. He also said the firm was blind to gender and race.
13. Women use the gender wage gap to justify why men should pick up the check.
14. If I can look at the photo and their rank and gender, I can cross off different ranks.
15. Kelly also plans to be part of the movement and work for gender equality in the church.