1. A July 22 hearing is set for his transfer to Seattle, where a grand jury indicted him in March 2011.
2. Prosecutors have not said whether they will bring those charges before a grand jury.
3. A federal grand jury has also been looking into the incident.
4. County prosecutors have said a grand jury will determine if charges should be filed.
5. It lists for almost three grand, but there should be Black Friday deals for it.
6. If your budget is around a grand, your options may be limited to this category.
7. They wanted to start farms and establish a village with a grand church at its center.
8. The records show that four officers at the scene of the shooting have been called to the grand jury.
9. The grand jury also considered things that occurred at the jail and did not return an indictment.
10. The case goes to a grand jury later this month.
11. A great artist is gone, but his grand art remains with us.
12. People stayed in the church despite grand difficulties at the start of the revolution.
13. The grand ceremony designated the Ford as a United States ship and places it in active service.
14. Once the user has crafted their story, they have a grand total of one design decision to make.
15. A state grand jury is deciding whether Officer Darren Wilson will face charges in his death.