1. The interstellar medium as the space in this region is called is not a threat to Voyager 1.
2. After researchers went back and looked at old data, they concluded that Voyager 1 crossed into interstellar space on August 25,2012.
3. The particles themselves are created from interactions between the solar wind and interstellar matter.
4. The interstellar radiation and winds constantly put differing amounts of pressure on the outside of the heliosphere.
5. Its observations from the edge of the solar system help scientists make comparisons between interstellar space and the heliosphere.
6. Most of the universe, by the way, is this kind of interstellar stuff.
7. Other wavelengths of light are either blocked or absorbed by interstellar gas and dust.
8. Those are two of the three phenomena that Voyager scientists expect to see when the spacecraft crosses over into interstellar space.