1. Those unpatched phones will be hanging around on the Internet for years.
2. Among the biggest security issues that face consumers of IoT are unpatched devices that are at risk from security vulnerabilities.
3. The risk of unpatched software is one that WordPress understands well and is taking aggressive steps to mitigate.
4. Thursday that unpatched bugs put users at an increased vulnerability to viruses and malware.
5. Still, the simple fact of the matter remains that there are unpatched flaws.
6. Use vulnerability mitigation software to make up for unpatched software and avoid getting hit by exploit kits.
7. Still, there are huge number of unpatched systems with OpenSSL out there.
8. Attack code that exploits an unpatched vulnerability found in all supported versions of Internet Explorer has been released into the wild.
9. Once exploited, unpatched machines are infected with various malware payloads.
10. But I would be really worried if the bug was actively being exploited and left unpatched for another 180 days.