JS has several way to popup window and box to interact with user.
Functions include
The simplest, popup an alert box:
Window.alert("alert box is a simple popup box.");
Popup a new window:
var w = window.open("","","width=500, height=80"); w.document.write("Perschon.com javascript Tutorial");
var w = window.open("","","width=500, height=80"); w.document.write("Perschon.com javascript Tutorial"); w.close();
Popup a confirm box. Comfirm box returns true if the user clicks "OK",
otherwise false:
var c = windwo.confirm("You like this tutorial?"); if (c) alert("Thank you."); else alert("OK, you don't like this.");
Popup a prompt box. Prompt box returns the input value if user clicks "OK" or false. Following example will prompt a box, if you input "Yes" then click "OK", an alert box will popup, otherwise alert box will not popup:
var c = window.prompt("You like this?",""); if (c != null && c=="Yes") alert("Thank you.");
To keep it simple, you do not need to write the full function name, for example,