Web Perschon

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. HTML is fundamental for web site designs. It's capable for creating web documents with various elements such as hyperlink, table, picture, form, button etc. Dynamic HTML web pages embed scripts such as Javascript. HTML can be combined with CSS to enrich the layout of the web pages.

Basic HTML Tutorials

HTML Event Handler Attributes

» Form » Media » Mouse & Keyboard » Window

HTML Elements

<!DOCTYPE> <abbr> <address> <area>
<article>* <aside>* <audio>* <b>
<base> <bdo> <blockquote> <body>
<br> <button> <canvas>* <caption>
<cite> <code> <col> <colgroup>
<data>* <dd> <del> <dfn>
<div> <dl> <dt> <em>
<embed>* <fieldset> <figcaption>* <figure>*
<footer>* <h> <head> <header>*
<hgroup>* <hr> <html> <i>
<iframe> <input> <ins> <kbd>
<keygen>* <label> <legend> <li>
<link> <map> <mark>* <marquee>
<menu> <meta> <meter>* <nav>*
<noscript> <object> <ol> <optgroup>
<option> <p> <param> <pre>
<progress>* <q> <ruby>* <rt>*
<samp> <script> <section>* <small>
<source>* <span> <strong> <style>
<sub> <sup> <thead> <tbody>
<tfoot> <td> <textarea> <th>
<title> <tr> <ul> <var>
*: elements marked with a star are for HTML version 5 only