<?PHP $str="2000-08-12T03:54:54Z"; if (preg_match("/\d/",$str)) { echo "String contains number."; } ?>
The matches can be stored into an array which is the 3rd parameter of the function.
<?PHP $str="2000-08-12T03:54:54Z"; if (preg_match("/^((\d+)\-\d+\-\d+)T/",$str,$mats)) { echo "$mats[0]"; //2000-08-12T echo "$mats[1]"; //2000-08-12 echo "$mats[2]"; //2000 } ?>
<?PHP $str="2000-08-12T03:54:54Z"; if (preg_match("/00|03/",$str)) { echo "String contains \"03\" or \"00\""; } ?>
Let's see another example, and print out the order of matches:
<?PHP $str = "The date is 2014-04-14."; if (preg_match("/\w+\s(\d{2}\-\d{2}-\d{4})|\w+\s(\d{4}\-\d{2}-\d{2})/", $str, $mats)) { for ($ii=0;$ii<count($mats);$ii++) { echo "$ii: $mats[$ii]\n"; } } ?>
The output is:
0: is 2014-04-14
2: 2014-04-14
<?PHP $str = "match Can Be Case Insensitive with i modifier"; if (preg_match("/can/i",$str)) echo "True"; else "False"; //True ?>
<?PHP $str = "match Can Be Case Insensitive with i modifier"; echo preg_match_all("/se/",$str); //2 echo preg_match("/se/",$str); //1 ?>
Let's list all the matches:
<?PHP $str = "This is the website <a href=\"http://\">perschon</a> and google website <a href=\"\">google</a>."; if (preg_match_all("/\<a href=\"([^\>]+)\"\>([^\>]+)\<\/a\>/i", $str, $mats, PREG_SET_ORDER) > 0) { for ($ii=0;$ii<count($mats);$ii++) { $groups = $mats[$ii]; $core = $groups[0]; $site = $groups[1]; $name = $groups[2]; echo "$ii: $core, $site, $name\n"; } } ?>
The output is:
0: <a href="http://">perschon</a>, http://, perschon
1: <a href="">google</a>,, google
<?PHP $str = "This is the website perschon and google website google."; if (preg_match_all("/\^lt;a href=\"([^\>]+)\"\>([^\>]+)\<\/a\>/i", $str, $mats) > 0) { for ($ii=0;$ii<count($mats);$ii++) { $groups = $mats[$ii]; echo "$ii: "; for ($jj=0;$jj<count($groups);$jj++) { echo "$groups[$jj], "; } echo "\n"; } } ?>
The output is:
0: <a href="http://">perschon</a>, <a href="">google</a>,
1: http://,,
2: perschon, google,
Similiar functions include