<?PHP $dir = "/usr/"; foreach (scandir($dir) as $f) { if ($f !== '.' and $f !== '..') { echo "$f\n"; } } ?>
There are three sorting parameters:
To get all files in a directory with certain pattern, use
<?PHP $dir = "/usr/"; $arrfiles = glob('*.txt'); var_dump($arrfiles); ?>
The following code can list all files in a specified directory.
<?PHP function allfiles($dir, $prefix = '') { $dir = rtrim($dir, '\\/'); $result = array(); foreach (scandir($dir) as $f) { if ($f !== '.' and $f !== '..') { if (is_dir("$dir\\$f")) { $result = array_merge($result, allfiles("$dir\\$f", "$prefix$f\\")); } else { $result[] = $prefix.$f; } } } return $result; } ?>
By default, all the files returned by
<?PHP function allfiles($dir, $prefix = ''){...} //See above $dir = "used/"; $files = allfiles($dir); $times = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $times[$file] = filemtime($dir.$file); } arsort($times); //from most recently modified to ... //asort($times); //reverse $files = array_keys($times); ?>
Following code can sort all the files by file size.
<?PHP function allfiles($dir, $prefix = ''){...} //See above $dir = "used/"; $files = allfiles($dir); $times = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $times[$file] = filesize($dir.$file); } arsort($times); //from largest size to smallest size //asort($times); //reverse $files = array_keys($times); ?>